Motul DOT 5.1 Brake Fluid

Retail Price: $12.22 Our Price: $11
Vendor: Motul SKU: 100951


Application: Brake fluids
Quality: 100% Synthetic
Product Range: Car, Motorcycle
OEM Approvals : FMVSS 116 DOT 5.1 NON SILICONE BASE, DOT 4 et DOT 3 ; SAE J 1703 ; ISO 4925 (5.1, 4 et 3)

100% synthetic brake fluid on polyglycol basis for all types of hydraulic actuated brake and clutch systems in accordance with DOT 5.1, DOT 4 and DOT 3 manufacturers’ recommendations. Specially designed for anti-locking brake system (ABS). Dry boiling point of 516°F (272°C)

Packaging 1/2 Liter (500mL)
